Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Wysteria

Happy bithday Wysteria. Have a wonderful time and Congratulations on your gallery. You're so amazing in the way you work toward your goals. Way to go!!!!!!!!!


boylingivylilac said...

Happy Birthday Wysteria,

I love you. I still can't believe how fast time has gone by since we shared our first french lessons. Good times. ... So, here are some thoughts on you sweet lady. I love your ability to tell a story, you kept my stomach muscles going whenever I was around you because of your way to communicate funny and yet sometimes awkward or painful experiences. I'm trying to remember one you told about a pumpkin and a knife...
I love your connection to the past, through movies and literature. I could picture you living in the times of Jane Austen and I always admired how you could capture the spirit of that time, especially since I lean a bit on the tom-boy side.
I think the first time outside of a class that I sat down to seriously paint something was with you, one sunday there at my grandma's old house. Thank you for inspiring me to try, I'm still trying.
May this coming year be one in which you have plenty of faith, smiles and chuckles and have the strength to fight the tougher days, as you have before, with the same beautiful sense of humor.

Con molto affetto....your italian sister, I.L.

boylingivylilac said...

I just read about your big news Wysteria, Congratulations! That is great. Good luck preparing.

Where will this exhibit be?

Wysteria said...

YAY! Thanks girls! this means SO much to me that you remembered me on my birthday. You guys rock. I just made it back into the country today and will be planning a blog on the beauties of Argentina very soon.

I love you both. I love our honesty, our friendships, and our abilities to keep these bonds alive, even when our lives all take us different places.


Sunshine said...

My mom brought me a present for you back from Boston-they only had small. I hope it's the right size for you. I'll get it sent soon. What's your address though.

Amber said...

So happy to hear from you. Everytime we are in Utah we have intentions to call and get together with you much for intentions right?! We are back in AZ, but will be done in December and then who knows where. If you email me (listed on profile page) then I can give you our address. It would be great to catch up!! love you.