It must be a busy time of year. I know it is for me. Ivy! How was your trip? We want a report.
Matt and I head out for Boston next week. Have any of you been there?
So here's a little thought for you all in your business.
'And what's a life? The flourishing array
Of the proud summer meadow, which today
Wears her green plush, and is tomorrow hay.'
So to me that can be what it is but also, being hay as lowly as it might seem, is living up to the measure of it's creation. So might we.
How appropriate your thought. I've been pondering often lately on the idea that in each season in our lives we have a potential given to us that we can strive to reach. It's not just becoming who we are meant to be overall, it's becoming who we can be within each season. And, as we all know, the seasons change often. Recognizing that idea has been somehow motivating and exciting. However, I've yet to define what my exact potential is at this season in my life. Guess that's the next step eh?
Yes, life has been busy. At the last minute I decided to cancel my sprig semester schedule to give me time for all the other things going on. Steven just arrived in Newcastle where he is spending the week with his family. Fancy some Cadbury's cocoa Ivy? Hee hee. Anyway, busy or not, it's a joy to take time to reconnect here with all of you.
I had posted yesterday, then an hour later deleted it, it didn't feel quite right here.
Yes! I've been to Boston many a time, especially on the bus that leaves NYC from Chinatown and takes you right to the heart of the freedom trail....for only $15. I am sure now it is double the price. My absolutely favorite place is a bookstore: Commonwealth Books...it's located just underneath one of the main churches on the trail. You'll see it if you do the whole trail. Do yourself a favor and go down, it's a lot of used books, and some rare first editions. It's where I bought my first first edition, Out of Africa....worth every penny. On another trip I also got an uncut copy (pages hadn't been cut yet!) of "Pippa's Passage!" What an amazing place.
Of course, if you have your car, and you have never been, please go to Concord, i keep returning, even though it is so small, but LMAlcott, Walden Pond, Hawthorne, the shot heard round the world and so many other things are worth. Plus, on the main street that runs north and south is an amazing kitchen supply store. I bought these cookie stamps there that i have never used, but will one day! Maybe now that i have actually unpacked them!
As per your blog--here are some thoughts I wrote the other day---
Life for the past ten years has truly flown by, and as the next ten years loom before me I start to question where it will take me. It's interesting to still be contemplating a marriage that may or may not happen, children that may or may not be, and a self that may or may not want either of these things. I always laugh that a man who is 30, successful, single is considered a catch, while a woman with the same merits is considered tragic. But I am determined that the church will grow in the area of feminism too, and that the stereotypes that hold so many down now, will soon pass away. It all starts with us! That's what I love about these four strong women we all are!!
I got to NYC next Thursday, I'll give a full report upon my return!
The Concord portion of our trip is what sold me on going north to cold rather than south to the warmth of Virginia Beach and Williamsburg. I'm really excited about that. We're staying one night there. Thanks for the tips!
Sunflower I am sorry that I just read your comment! I would have loved some Cadbury Cocoa but, the thought was considerate. Thanks!
I imagine your husband is back by now.
I love your comment on seasons. That is exactly the word that has been weaving itself in and out of my life since last summer. It is hopeful, it gives a soft end and beginning to different phases of life. I love the images it evokes. Ever since I have caught that vision of seasons, somewhere around the time I was reading The Secret Garden, I have been much kinder to myself than I ever have been. I see myself as an evolving Emily and I am more confident than I ever have been in my weaknesses...sounds weird but it's amazing what silent beat downs do to your everyday. I am grateful to friends like all of you. You beautify my life with your lives and words.
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