Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I have arrived!

Well ladies, it is great to be amongst you once again in the garden.  Sorry I'm such a pooper scooper at getting it all together.  I've read all your random thoughts, opinions, insights and precious memories.  What an inspiration it has all been to me.  Hooray for friendships that inspire!  It rather reminds me of when I first walked into the Wilson's front room for our first ever meeting of the Secret Garden.  Do you all remember?  It was a Sunday evening, it was cold out, and I'd just come from my interview with Beth.  I walked into the living room and there you all were.  At that moment I felt such peace and familiarity amongst you, and excitement.  Somehow coming late into our new garden brings back those same feelings.  Here I stand able to see all of you, partake of your thoughts and wisdom, and feel that same sense of peace, familiarity, and excitement as well as a profound appreciation for the history we share and the friendships we've kept.  I'm thrilled at the chance of once again exchanging those precious thoughts and ideas with one another that have long been a blessing to me.  

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Paris Encore!

I just got word that I'll be going to Paris from July 31 to August 4! Put in your orders! Does anyone need adorable baby clothes, shoes, hats? I wish I could bring you all back some yogurt! Does anyone need pictures of something they just didn't quite capture? I know I'll be getting some of Le Vesinet's main square, including the church in the center, I don't have a picture of that, or of my fence. I'm also going to eat some crepes at our old place in Le Vesinet.

I get to go for a conference, they are paying for everything, plane ticket, food et al! I love how this amazing city keeps coming back into my life!

I need to freshen up on my French!

I'll also be in New York from May 8-12....Amber, if you can steel away for an evening I'll treat you to dinner? I know it's hard for you to get in, but I would love to have some city time with you! I could treat you to a museum if you would rather, or a walking tour of Greenwich Village?

We need to all see each other soon.

The flowers are starting to bloom. Happy Spring!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's love-hate thing

Today it rained and of course I had my windows wide open. My shades are always open. It's the first thing I do in the morning after I get dressed. I don't see very many people w/ their windows wide open and I'm told it's not the most socially normal lifestyle. "I mean people could very well be looking at me". My bedroom got a shower since I also had most of my windows open to welcome this randomly placed spring day.
I was thinking-tell me if this is way off-but I was thinking that it's kind of ironic that I don't care if people stare at me as they drive by. I don't care if it makes my neighbors uncomfortable. But yet, I'm scared to death to actually invite people over. I seem to get some turn-downs but not a 100% turn-down rate. It's this thing that I hate about myself. I procrastinate inviting people over because I'm afraid they won't want to come. I'm scared stiff to do it. I would rather they just invited themselves over. I wish they would drop in. I LOVE to have people over but I'm really REALLY scared to invite them. I love my openness, I hate my fears! I feel like I'm the only person in the whole world that has this.