Tonight I was driving in the parking lot of the library and I slid on the ice! It's October and it is winter here! We are heading into our third winter and I am ready...or, so I think. :) We had a beautful autumn, unusually longer as said by the "sourdoughs," what can be better than the green pines mixed with the yellow birches all over the place? What could be more beautiful than all of the fall colors among the bushes, hills, and mountains blended together? We hoped for at least one of our sunflowers to bloom but, we will have to try again next year. We even tried cutting it and letting it finish inside but, it was not close enough. Our friend at church gave us one of hers and it is blossoming and has been since Saturday! I love the sunshine it brings to our house! (She had 2 mondo sunflowers near her 1 level home and they were taller than her roof!) I love fall. I think it drives me to cook more than any other season. Today, Lucy and I made a new recipe called "Pumpkin Dessert Squares", love that cake bottom and creamy pumpkin top. I love the spices and ingredients that for some reason, I only really crave as the temperature cools. Why? How about you? Which season inspires you in the kitchen and why?
I have to tell you what happened a few nights ago. During Rob's days off we went up to the base to camp in a primitive cabin, we did this in the summer and decided to venture for a "winter" experience, it was fun. While I was cooking dinner on the coleman stove, I started listening to Susanna and Lucy as they were playing. One part of their conversation went like this,
S: Quick Lucy! It's an emergency! emergency...preparedness!
L: What's that?
S: It's when you see a bear and you hide under the blankets!!! Hurry hide!!!
Today, as we were putting some snow gear in the back of our cars to get ready for winter, Sue picked up on our conversation and asked why we were putting them in there..."I thought you said something about accidents...," she said. We told her about the reasons why it was smart to keep some warm gear and shovel in the back, among other things, just in case. Then, I realized how wearing seat belts is mostly pointless, except in the rear moments. And then, the epiphany hit me as a mother and I realized there is hope for me.., I said, "Wearing seat belts is part of emergency preparedness, Sue." She has been worrying more lately, last night she came in late and stood by the bed and said, "I'm worried." Wow. Just wait little lady! I hope I can help her not stress out too much in these magical years.
Well, I miss conversing with you all. I love checking on your blogs Wysteria and Tulip. Sunflower, I still need to check yours out.
I made Dow Pasta the other day, pasta-cheese-peas. It was a big hit!